
Message from Indian Ambassador Mr. Vikram Misri

Greetings from EOI Beijing!

I am glad to see the publication of this year's edition of the annual magazine — Indradhanush — by the Indian Association, Shanghai.

I have had the opportunity over the last couple of years to engage on several occassions with members of the Indian community in Shanghai. It has been a privilege to discuss a number of issues related to their life, work, health and wellbeing, especially during these past months. IA Shanghai represents the best of India and has provided exceptional leadersip to the Indian community in Shanghai. Its work in promoting artistic and cultural endeavours and in providing a platform for engaging in discussion and interaction is indeed commendable. Even during this past year, which has been a difficult time for most, IA Shanghai has maintained its social and cultural outreach activities wherever feasible.

As we prepare for a new year in a few weeks' time, I take this opportunity to wish IA Shanghai and all its members and, through them, to the larger Indian community all the best for the coming year, which I hope will be full of success, health and prosperity for all of them.


Registered members & counting...

The mighty tidal wave of progress in China is pulling in people from all over the world. Indians are arriving daily in a steady stream at the glittering port of Shanghai. Join us at IA and become part of this thriving community in Shanghai.

Events & counting...

Our cultural and business events have evolved into being calendar events on the Shanghai social scene. Our ambition is to keep up this wonderful work, organize more events & simply get Shanghai rocking!!

Years & counting...

Indian Association in Shanghai, working under the auspices and patronage of the Consulate General of India, formally came into being in 2006 when the original two Indian organizations- SHILA (Shanghai Indian Ladies Association) and SHIBA (Shanghai Indian Business men Association)

Upcoming events

We have some exciting events lined up for this year.

Past Events

Browse through some of our recent events.

The mighty tidal wave of progress in China is pulling in people from all over the world. Indians are arriving daily in a steady stream at the glittering port of Shanghai. They bring with them rich colors of Indian heritage, culture and music from which they cannot be separated.

We are here to connect people

Join us at IA and become part of this thriving community in Shanghai.