IA Blood Donation Drive

IA Blood Donation Drive crosses the targeted 1,000 units of blood in a single day!

Continuing with its tradition of charity and contribution actively to Chinese society, IA organized it's 7th successive Blood donation drive on May 12th, 2018. The event saw even wider participation from Indian residents of Shanghai and registered a 25% growth in terms of total numbers of blood units collected.

Following the success of the IA Blood donation drive in 2017 - where 744 Units of blood were collected till date, IA targeted crossing 1,000 units of blood, and ended up crossing the targeted number. Folks from all walks of life turned up in large numbers.

Blood donation is the need of the hour and the drive helps to spread awareness. This was made meaningful with the participation of over 100 medical students from nearby cities of Suzhou, Zhenjiang and Nantong. Following this, the IA also received congratulatory messages from the Deans and Chancellors of these Universities. After all, the first step towards transforming the mindsets of people are that those at the fore-front of medical fraternity (doctors) themselves lead by example and donate blood in large numbers, for the betterment and benefit of society at large.

The event was conducted in collaboration with the Shanghai Blood Centre (Red Cross associate) and was graced by Mr. Anil Kumar Rai, CG amongst several local Govt. representatives.

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